Week #14 - San Bernardino (Rancho Ward) - San Bernardino, CA Mission

Hey everyone!

So its been quite an adventure this week with transfers. My new area is very different from Borrego Springs. It basically covers the entire stake of San Bernardino. The downside is that I'm on a bike so some parts parts of my area are unreachable. There are, however, some Spanish speaking sisters that cover my area too,  but they have a car so they can get to the parts where me and my companion can't. 
Besides the fact that my area is huge, its also mostly city and the sirens of police cars, ambulances, and firetrucks never stop here. Thankfully, we've been fine as we have traveled around talking to people.

Along with the stress of adapting to a new area, I'm follow up training (my companion has only been out on his mission for 6 weeks). Thankfully, it hasn't been too stressful. My new companion Elder Livingston is pretty awesome and has a gift for finding people that are open to receiving us. We actually found a man who is really awesome. He's super sensitive to the spirit and loves everything we've taught him so far. When we taught him how to say the prayer he was so grateful to us because he felt the spirit as soon as he said "...in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."

I also got to go to the temple today which was really fun. It was so nice to go through a session and spend time in the celestial room. It was so nice to be there. 

Love you guys!

Elder Green 

1. Me and my companion 
2. Me and the temple 


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