Week #25 - San Bernardino (Rancho Ward), San Bernardino, CA, Mission

Well, this week has been busy. I did my second baptismal interview as a district leader. It went smoothly thankfully. It was pretty cool too because the person I interviewed told me that he was very grateful to me and that I had been an important part in his conversion which made very happy.
Along with that, we had exchanges so I was with Elder Cressal for a day and we had a good time. I was pretty nervous because last time he wasn't really interested in working hard. However, he surprised me. He was talking with everyone on the street and we had some good conversations. I was really happy to see how much he had changed.
Another highlight of the week is that we got to sing in the stake Christmas activity. It was fun and my companion was the angel Gabriel. He had a spotlight that shined on him and I got to turn it on. It blinded him and he almost fell off the ladder he was on! Thankfully, he didn't or else the week would have been even more interesting.
Besides that, we got to attend a couple of baptisms and I played the piano for one of them.
Also, one of the happiest experiences happened last night. Elder Watson has been struggling a lot with speaking in Spanish, but last night he shared a spiritual thought all by himself and he explained himself very well. It was such a privilege to see him grow in his language and missionary abilities.
The sad news of this week is that I'm leaving San Bernardino and being transferred to Sierra which is in Fontana. I will be a district leader and follow up training.

Love you all!

Elder Green


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